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Author: admin
ACSC Kangaroos Stamp Catalogue New Edition
For specialist collectors of the first Australian Commonwealth stamp issue the “Kangaroo & Map” the new year brings the release of the 8th edition of the popular Kangaroos volume of the Australian Commonwealth Specialists Catalogue or “ACSC”. This new edition has been updated for new discoveries along with additional illustrations and revised prices to reflect…
New Stamp Stock Coming Soon
I have recently purchased a very large and comprehensive Australian Decimal Collection which will arrive late July. Along with all standard issues this collection also covers the various extras including Koala Reprints, Booklets, Gutter Strips and Overprints. Items will be listed as they are sorted however advance wanted lists are very welcome and lower prices…
Change in Shipping Rates within Australia
Due to increased postage costs changes have been made to the cost of shipping for parcels within Australia. From 11 July the new rates are as follows: All shipping rates are calculated automatically during the checkout process. Shipping remains FREE when your order total is $250+.
Product Availability Updates
You may have noticed that a lot of items are currently out of stock, this will hopefully improve during July as follows: New functionality has been added to the website whereby you can subscribe for notifications of restocked items, just click the subscribe button on any out of stock item and you will receive an…